August 24th 2003

 In the series, "A Field of Tender Things," Rebecca Farr loosens paint and plays in fields of color exploring on the mythic stories of Rabbit. As a legendary figure of contradictions Rabbit is a symbol of both fertility and chastity and is associated with fluid trans and shape-shifting erotic energy, In the moon rabbit represents immortality and enlightenment, in the burrow rabbit represents cycles of birth and death as they repeatedly descend into the earth and return anew. Farr creates saturated and dense environments of color line and gesture to explore our human relationship to rabbit symbolism.

The Rabbit is a trickster creator of the world; a fool, a spiritual master and an incredibly normal everyday sighting all across our planet. Such a being has been a delightful humble and gentle muse of holistic sexual, sentient and spiritual energies. Rebecca’s new series celebrates and investigates the power of this totem animal as a presence of healing, integration and wisdom.

Rebecca Farr’s philosophical and historical paintings of the natural world bounce between intuitive mark-making and classical modes of Impressionism. Working between thick, gritty paint and light, tender brushstrokes, Farr colors various mythic and religious motifs with the queer feminist dramas of history, recording collective or personal splits, reunions, and consciousness gained.